Team Erzulie is Back From The Dead

Yes, we are still here. Somehow. We have been away for a few weeks and needed some much needed vegetation time. The entire cast and crew are completely traumatized and honestly who knows when we will all get over our PTSD, but the thing is… we did it. We F***IN’. DID IT! And now we have so many more set gossip and stories to tell you.

This is how Erzulie was made on set.



Adam Rani 00:23

We did. We did it


Christine Chen 00:28

What was going on.


Adam Rani 00:30

For some reason. My personal account was just attached to my regular things. So, I just logged out of everything and then log back in to Get Reelisms. I am fucking hate zoom.


Christine Chen 00:47

You want to go on?


Adam Rani 00:49

I want to do this face to face. Christine. I want to record this together and be together and happy and merry. That's just never ever going to be the case. It feels like I'm carrying.


Christine Chen 01:02

One day.


Adam Rani 01:03

Well, one day One day we're gonna be back. Back in a big bad way. I'm on Instagram, by the way.


Christine Chen 01:07

Okay, I'm going on. Okay, I'm on.


Adam Rani 01:19

We're live on Facebook.


Christine Chen 01:22

Oh, my goodness. Delete the other ones.


Adam Rani 01:27

No, I'll do that later.


Christine Chen 01:29

Oh, i can see you there.


Adam Rani 01:32

Yeah, basically, yeah, um Well, okay, cool.


Christine Chen 01:39

I don't see you yet.


Adam Rani 01:42

Yeah, that's because I'm here now. Hi.


Christine Chen 01:46

Oh, yay. Ha-ha, I see you now.


Adam Rani 01:53

Request to join.


Christine Chen 01:57

Yay. Yay. I feel like we're like.


Adam Rani 02:04

What is that what did you say?


Christine Chen 02:05

I feel like I'm relearning how to do podcast.


Adam Rani 02:08

All right. Well, it never did for me. Yeah, I'm still the same old fucking Adam. That you know in love.


Christine Chen 02:18

Yes. Very much so.


Adam Rani 02:21

That's never ever going change. Okay. Um, let's see. Let's get myself situated. So, I know exactly what I'm doing. Okay. All right.


Christine Chen 02:35

Great, let’s do this.


Adam Rani 02:38

Finally, after a fucking month, okay.


Christine Chen 02:42

Oh, Roxy says hi. Yeah, we're still alive.


Adam Rani 02:48

Ladies and Gents, Christine doing the fucking intro now. Okay, ladies, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the triumphant most glorious return phoenix rising through the ashes return to the podcast episode 49 of Get Reelisms. I am Adam Chase Rani.


Christine Chen 03:12

And I am Christine Chen.


Adam Rani 03:13

Wow. A month later, Christine.


Christine Chen 03:16

Yeah. Yeah, what happened. We were supposed to do like on the road. Let's just say that failed miserably.


Adam Rani 03:27

Listen, we might have promise and we might have over promise, and we might have under delivered and is that okay? No, but did we learn our lesson? Yes, I learned my lesson. Hi Kelly. You guys where it's been it's been it’s been a shoot let's just say it's been a shoot and we've been you know kind of burning the candle at both ends. Christine mostly so we survived by we're barely here you know and its fine you guys where you know this is this is its yes understatement that's absolutely fucking true. But you know you guys i I've made I've made some reflection and now that I got the apology out of the way for the for the listeners, the dedicated two listeners of our podcast. I appreciate you guys sticking it through and through. And I'm sorry that I'm sorry that we're not. Yeah. I just said that.


Christine Chen 04:52

Roxy's just said so for those who are on Facebook and not on Instagram. Rossi said I'm surprised Christine isn't on the treadmill while editing. This, alright, so are talking. And actually, the only the reason is because I am at Camille's parents’ house right now, so they are gone for the weekend and I needed sometimes I've talked about this in previous podcasts where if I feel like I've been in one spot for too long, then inspiration doesn't strike. And so, I had to switch locations and graciously Camille's parents let me come and hang out at their place to work. So that is why I am not on a treadmill. Although that would be funny if the next time, I'm on a podcast, I was on a treadmill, but I feel like Adam would yell at me.


Adam Rani 05:45

Because, like, I already spot three problems with that, right like this. The first problem is the audio, the audio would be just horrendous, horrendous.


Christine Chen 05:58

Running. It's I'm like, well, walking.


Adam Rani 06:02

Here's the second part. I also know you and every time I open my big dumb mouth two minutes later, you're already checked out of the conversation. I'm not mad at it by any stretch of the imagination. But it does. It does rob me of me of my self-esteem to know that I'm uninteresting to talk to so. And then and then I'm just like, so what do you think Christine? You're like, Huh? What? Fuck? No, I'm kidding. I you know, here's the thing.


Christine Chen 06:42

I think we should give it a try. I think next time I can try it. And if the audio is bad, then we then I will be on the treadmill.


Adam Rani 06:48

guaranteeing that it would be bad would be bad. I appreciate your effort, Christine. But it would be garbage. Except I would I'm willing to try it. And by the way, I'm an adaptable boy, you have to you have to admit I'm very adaptable, especially when it comes to the podcast, especially when it comes to the 10 episodes that Christine didn't cohost with me. And the numbers


Christine Chen 07:16

We should give we should give people context about why the treadmill is so funny. Um, so for people who don't know, I just got a under the desk treadmill. It is awesome. If you want to kill two birds with one stone, as you know, when you're editing, it's highly, like sedentary. And I knew that I would become a big flat fat blob. If I edited my thing. That's not you, I'm telling you about myself. Yes. And so, I got the treadmill. And I'm walking like 20,000 steps a day. It's great while I'm editing so. And I read those 10,000 steps is like 3000 calories or something. So, I'm burning like calories when I'm editing. It's like the best thing ever. So yes.


Adam Rani 08:12

But you say you say that but why? Why though? Why do you have to? Because I hate working out and that's such a really hot topic.


Christine Chen 08:22

I hate it too. And so, this is mindless working out. Like when I am actively working out that sucks even more because I'm aware that like everything hurts but when I am mindless about it, then I don't even know I'm working out. That's the that's the whole point. Being mindless about it.


Adam Rani 08:41

So, your solution was to just work through your workouts.


Christine Chen 08:47

Yes, so I don't think about the workout. So, then I'm working out and I'm not thinking about like, oh, I'm I hate this blah blah. I'm actually focused on editing which is more painful. And I forget about the whole other parts of the working out.


Adam Rani 09:04

So that is not true Christine, you love it. Kelly Are you sure? Are you sure because I definitely want to kill myself after a fucking routine for sure? I hate it. I just


Christine Chen 09:19

I do not like working out I just have to because allows me to eat more food. So, it's a necessity.


Adam Rani 09:26

Yes, you sir. Preserve your life. You live longer you're healthier. Yeah, yeah. But also, it's just a monotonous fucking terrible thing. Because I played basketball. For the listeners at home. I played basketball for like three years. And I only you were working out every day we film that's a true Oh, you mean Christine?


Christine Chen 09:53

Oh, she never


Adam Rani 09:54

She never misses any opportunity to work out.


Christine Chen 09:57

If I don't, then I'm not gonna be able to the amount of food I want to eat Kelly, I have to work out.


Adam Rani 10:06

Are you happy working out every day, Christine?


Christine Chen 10:11



Adam Rani 10:12

Exactly. Exactly. That's what I mean. It's just like, I don't know what you guys I understand working out in the endorphins, whatever. But it doesn't for me for some reason for Adam Chase Rani and Christine Chen. It just doesn't work out for the two of us. But Christine solution which I am fucking hate to say Christine is actually genius. Thinking about it.


Christine Chen 10:37

It is Genius, don't think about working out. mindlessly do it. And then he didn't even do it. He's even saying like if you don't think about it, and you're just doing it passively and like doing other stuff and not.


Adam Rani 10:50

You know how stoner brain I am. I think I'll just like play my Xbox One like on the treadmill or like a peloton and just like play video games.


Christine Chen 10:59

Yeah, you could totally do that. That's what I'm saying. That's the under the desk that there's just, you can literally play video games while you're walking on the treadmill.


Adam Rani 11:08

Alright. Damn it. Damn


Christine Chen 11:12

it. I love this thing. Like I love it. I I've been wanting to get one for a while since I think my first idea of doing it was snovid in Austin. And it didn't deliver.


Adam Rani 11:25

Really that long.


Christine Chen 11:27

Yeah, and I've been wanting it for a long time. And then finally, this one came in and like, it's perfect. I think I've walked like, I don't know, at least 20,000 a day for the past week. So that's pretty great.


Adam Rani 11:45

That's amazing.


Christine Chen 11:45

So yes, and I just been editing. So, it you know, I It helps me to because we're sitting so long, like it's easier to get tired and stuff and get with objects. But when you're walking, your kind of forced to like your bloods always flowing to your brain and all that. So that's my reasoning.


Adam Rani 12:08

No, and I understand that too. It's just and I understand also the thrill of it, too. Like once you actually get a good workout in like, yeah, you do feel some sort of accomplishment for sure. You know, but for some reason, not for me. For some reason, I'm just like, oh, you actually are worse than you are when you woke up this morning. Why do you do that? Like you just ran into running actually walking? I'm totally fine with cardio.


Christine Chen 12:35

I yeah, I don't run well, I there's it's I can't run and edit. I it's just fast walking.


Adam Rani 12:41

I know. But I would love to see you run and edit at the same time that would.


Christine Chen 12:47

I've tried.


Adam Rani 12:49

Like you're on a treadmill trying to edit. Try it on a full speed. Oh, man.


Christine Chen 12:57

I've tried and I've figured out the maximum speed that I can be at that I can actually still edit effectively, but not kill myself. I've had to like strategically to angle the computer in a way because like if it's like too crooked then like I run the risk of like, stepping off. I've done that actually. Okay. Yeah, that was like oh, like almost fell off of it. So, like it's art.


Adam Rani 13:32



Christine Chen 13:33



Adam Rani 13:34

I'm not saying I would have laughed when I when I if I see you eat shit. But man, what a sight.


Christine Chen 13:42

That keeps you on your toes. Because if you aren't like fully that circus in a way you could eat shit. So, um, I like to live my life on the edge.


Adam Rani 13:53

Literally on the edge of eating shits. head butting your MacBook. Um, yeah, dude. Well, okay, so you've been editing. Listen, you made all you made the thing, Christine. And you've been you've editing?


Christine Chen 14:13

We made we made a thing. We made a thing.


Adam Rani 14:16

How's the editing thing going?


Christine Chen 14:18

Well, I'm on the finale. Right now. I've gone through the entire film. It helps because Kobe did an incredible full assembly. So how does somebody cut when I came out which I really highly recommend this to anybody who's doing their own feature in a very short period of time to have a DIT person who serves as an onsite editor as well. What helps with it, it's better than just dailies. What's great about it is that every single day, no matter how late I would go and watch the edit. And that would allow me to know whether or not I had pickups I needed to do. There was actually one day when the entire team thought I went rogue because I had like 10 different shots I wanted in addition to our regularly scheduled programming, and nobody knew what those shots had set me. And yeah, I probably drove the entire team got so I was like, Alright, first we're gonna go to this then we're gonna go to the house after the house we're gonna get this but again, instead of this, we're gonna go to the pool instead of this. Striker our first AD was like, oh, God, you went rogue.


Adam Rani 15:37

Rogue you went off the radar. You became unhinged. No. No, no. Oh, God.


Christine Chen 15:46

It was all made sense. It was all needed. Like if we if we had if I hadn't done that, I would have needed like, another day on the job.


Adam Rani 15:57

I mean Christine, a memo goes a long way.


Christine Chen 16:06

Yes, after that. Sometimes. Sometimes you just got to do it.


Adam Rani 16:12

So, listen, you embody the slogan of Nike just do it.


Christine Chen 16:17

Yeah, sometimes you have to sometimes planning is nice.


Adam Rani 16:20

You are going to get the Erzulie tattoo and the under it. You're just gonna have the Nike checkmark. Corporate sponsorship. No. But no, you're you did your thing, Christine. And I know you it all made sense. Like yeah, like I know it all. It all made sense. And we trusted you. We still trust you. We trusted you know; we are still just it was a little roguish? Yes, Kelly. It was. It was.


Christine Chen 16:47

It all makes sense. When you see all those inserts, you'll be like, oh, I see why we needed that. Oh, you know, type thing. But we just had to me mean, I was writing the script. And finish it five minutes before us our set started before that day. Like do we did I have time to like, notify every single person about all the all the changes? No, definitely not. Like, but it had to be done because that was the only day, we had those particular actors. And if I didn't make those changes, and that you know, make those decisions immediately. We wouldn't be able to finish the film.


Adam Rani 17:33

No, you're right. The changes were necessary. By the way Roxy just said we all thought we had an easy start to the day. Nope that was true. There was one time during the shoot where like, like the entire art department was just sick of my fucking positivity because once the whole thing started it was just like hey, guys, I think we got it’s gonna be a pretty good day. It's gonna be easy day. And then your chaos ensues.


Christine Chen 18:06

10 shots later that nobody knew about.


Adam Rani 18:09

10 shots later and I'm like, hey, guys, we're still doing good is like shut up. No, but you know, it was you know, maybe one or two points. There was maybe one or two of us. I wanted to push you into the swamp. But that was that was that was that was besides the.


Christine Chen 18:31

To push me into the swamp. Yeah, I was like, why did I write why did I write this? Yeah. Slap myself. Yeah.


Adam Rani 18:45

Oh, no.


Christine Chen 18:46

Actually, me and Camile had met up and she was like, we're going to do something simple next time sim ball.


Adam Rani 18:57

I mean, listen, it was still it was still. You cannot say it wasn't an adventure. It was. The river needed its sacrifice. That's where we went wrong, said Roxy.


Christine Chen 19:09

I said that the river ate her teeth instead. Oh, it took its own sacrifice. Oh yes, it is true. Maybe that would have solved our problems. Oh, yeah. We're going all over the place. I think people are probably really confused but.


Adam Rani 19:38

Okay. So, we shot we shot a little we shot a little movie. Now you're caught up.


Christine Chen 19:47

And it was insane.


Adam Rani 19:49

Well, yeah.


Christine Chen 19:54

Yes, it is. Um, it was done in 11 days. And the thing is like when we I wrote it, I was like, Oh yeah, the river. You know, I've got into it what I was knee braided and I was fine, and it was nice and shallow. Didn't think that oh, a river is a living breathing thing. It changes with the environment. It goes up it goes down stuff like cool. Like of course I didn't think about that


Adam Rani 20:28

In Louisiana, it is just notorious for storms. And, uh, yeah, just came and just fucked our shit up for sure.


Christine Chen 20:38

Oh, it just, but maybe Roxy is right, maybe if we had just performed a human sacrifice and it would have stopped. But you know, here's this my annoying positivity. We ended up with like, eight different locations in the same location. That's the positivity of it. Yeah.


Adam Rani 21:00

that was the other thing too. The amount of hiking that I did, usually like typically on a on a film set I'm doing anywhere from like, I know it might not sound much or sound sweet too much but it's like anywhere from like 10 to 15,000 steps like on a regular day on just random almost every single day on that shoe. I was clocking in at like anywhere between like 40 to 50,000 Fucking steps. I never walked and ran as much as I did on that fucking studio. Listen, great studio. Fantastic. But man, you are. You are hiking you are you are walking. You are I'm walking more than a New Yorker. It is it is crazy.


Christine Chen 21:54

Yeah, it was a lot a lot and I wasn't the one running around well I mean I ran around but like not nearly as much as I would normally


Adam Rani 22:06

The thing like this was one of those shoots because at always some point Christine we've always every single day had like at some point we were just gonna shoot the shit and talk but we haven't really even had time to shoot.


Christine Chen 22:19

We didn't have any time we had all the plants are weird plants do the podcast while we were on set that failed miserably because


Adam Rani 22:27

I and also those part my fault to you guys like that was also like there was days where I we could have done the podcast, but I was just my body was shutting down as we were like wrapping shit.


Christine Chen 22:39

Kelly had to yell at me to be like No, Adams not doing the podcast.


Adam Rani 22:45

Listen, she I'm not gonna say I didn't pay her. But I did pay her $150,000 to say that. Because I was exhausted, and I had to take out a loan. Right? And I told my mom Listen, it is what it is. I need Kelly to do this for me please, because I can’t say this to Christine.


Christine Chen 23:02

But I'm glad she did. I still did it.


Adam Rani 23:07

I was gonna say you did a phenomenal I saw the episode with Peyton. It was fun. It was fun. You guys talk man shit. But it was fun. It was fun.


Christine Chen 23:16

Yeah, man. Oh, that was next time when we decide that we're going to do the podcast on the road. We'd build in like two or three extra days to shoot. Then we come to the podcasts on the road. I don't know. That's, well, I'll try it again on a different set and see if it's possible. It was just this was a very hard set. It was just really hard.


Adam Rani 23:45

Yeah. I was talking about this with Kelly and Roxy Friends of the Friends of the podcast. And yeah, this was one of the hardest for sure. You know.


Christine Chen 23:59

But it wasn't the thing is that you will look back at it wasn't because it was a shit. I have been on hard sets because it was a shit show. This was not this was like planned to the T. Like every single person knew what they were doing. And knew all the answers. It was just a lot to accomplish in such a limited amount of time.


Adam Rani 24:16

Right. Especially when it's a script that's very art demanding to terms. Art heavy, you know.


Christine Chen 24:23

It was extremely art demanding


Adam Rani 24:24

Dressing and yeah, yeah, it was it was it was a lot, but we still got it done in shout out to the art department. Reese Roark, I don't know if he's watching this podcast, but man, what a what a fucking baller dude. Oh, and a gentleman and a scholar. Yes, the guy's an animal and he have dope animal prints too. Who fucking knew that man could rock a pair of animal print leggings any day that's insane never seen never seen the man do that and he could? He achieved the impossible ladies and gentlemen, and the art department is no short of fucking genius. And then there's Adam. But then that's neither here nor there, ladies and gentlemen. But um, you know, it was it. You say you say you say it was like you put us through hell. And you did, but it wasn't it wasn't like you said it wasn't like a shit show and it wasn’t, and I say the hardest because it was physically demanding like it was it was.


Christine Chen 25:30

I mean, how much did you, Kelly said she lost like seven pounds?


Adam Rani 25:34

I lost about six. Yeah, like 5, 6 pounds.


Christine Chen 25:38

I put you guys through fat camp. Sorry. The cat is out the bag.


Adam Rani 25:42

Well, no, I mean, Kelly didn't need it. I need it for sure. I mean, Kelly's built cut from God's word, like she's just fucking a Greek god, she's, she can this true she's gonna destroy both of us if she really wanted to. She can take the over this podcast if you want with a strong arm just on the both of us. Okay, okay. Okay. You know? Um, yeah, so, I don't know. I think that the shoot was absolutely fun. It was it was it didn't feel like fat camp felt like summer camp more. No, it's a really twisted, weird adult summer camp.


Christine Chen 26:18

It was an adult film summer camp. And it was very. Yes. Not No, it was just it was. Oh, is a lot of people. Um, you know, I it's funny. I came back from Erzulie the following weekend, jumped on to AD to short film and man I appreciate it. short films so much. So much. The simplicity of it all. And, and the how little people there were, and I don't know, it was just me or we have a big production like, and so many different people. We have so many different personalities, needs and time. And I don't know it was that was hard, man. That was hard.


Adam Rani 27:17

 You are fucking did it though. Christine. Holy shit, dude. Like you, you did a thing. You made a thing. We all we participated for sure. But ultimately, you saw it from the very baby beginning stages when it's just a little baby script. And then now it's.


Christine Chen 27:35

Now it's filmed and almost pretty much all edited. Like it's I mean, it's already fully edited. But I haven't myself made it to the end of it. I'm at the finale right now and oh, my God. When we were originally supposed to do the podcast today at four o'clock. My bad. I was deep in the middle of editing the finale. And by within two hours after that, I was like, okay, I'm glad I need I need a break. All I can hear my head is screaming. There's just lots of screaming in my head right now because that's what the finale is Lots of screaming. Yeah,


Adam Rani 28:14

That's right. Yeah.


Christine Chen 28:15

Lots of over and over is screaming high pitch all sorts of screaming. Yeah. And I'm sitting there being like, alright, let's Alright, let's just split second of this tail a split second of this being getting drowned so much drowning.


Adam Rani 28:33

Yeah, no, that's great. I'm glad you you're doing it. But make sure you take give yourself a break before you start scratching out the fucking windows. You know? I'm worried about you, buddy.


Christine Chen 28:48

Yeah, this is no good. I've been listening to like, at least five hours of screaming in my head. screaming backwards screaming forward, screaming. Rewind. Screaming


Adam Rani 29:11

You are screaming yelling screaming


Christine Chen 29:18

that's fun. Much respect to action editors. People will do big blockbuster editing. But then again, if I think about it, they have like 50 editors on their staff. It's not one person so maybe like that. Maybe like they take sections or something. I like to know what how the post flow goes for like big blockbuster films, because like.


Adam Rani 29:42

It feels like a machine.


Christine Chen 29:43

Like I'm editing this thing. And it's like, oh, God, um, you see the list of credits for like, these big films and I imagine they just take one little section or maybe just that you focus on that and just all put together I'm not sure I'd like to know, but because I'm editing this giant action sequence, and it's like, Go, it's go, I'm going oh, like, it's, I'm going insane. Yeah, because it's little bits of action. Just shit ton of screaming.


Adam Rani 30:20

Yeah, but I mean, you know, you've been through editing processes, like so many times, and you've probably been through longer editing sessions and stuff like that, you know, but I also know you and you don't like sleeping, so you're just gonna, you're just going to edit through all of it. So that's also not good as well. You should know that.


Christine Chen 30:42

I just want to make it to the end.


Adam Rani 30:47

No, and you are you are making it through. And you now got your like that much closer to a product, Christine.


Christine Chen 30:58

Yeah, no, it is a product. It's um, I mean, like, it's quite good. Like, I watch it. I'm like, wow, we did this, like how that was? Or I'll watch something and be like, Man, that was smart of us to do that. How are how are we so smart? giving ourselves compliments. But yeah, no, it's, we made something really good. Like, it's really, really exciting to watch and edit and power through. And I, I work, I am, like intensely working through it. Because like it, I'm excited. And the more I work on it, the more I want to finish it, because it's awesome. It's not like something where I'm like, oh, God, like, how am I going to fix this? It's not that at all. It's like, there's so many, we have so many options, and what's the best take? And how do I make this timing of this joke, Lynn just a little bit better, you know, but it's not because like, I've edited plenty of things where it's just like, like fire employment, for example, is more like, Alright, these are what this is what we got, how am I going to fix it in post, you know, Erzulie is different. It's, it isn't that we're trying to fix it in post, it's more that we have a lot of great options and takes to and how do we make it better? You know, just everything.


Adam Rani 32:25

And the fact you have options too.


Christine Chen 32:27

Yeah, yeah. Yeah, I know, it was really, it was hard for the actors, because they, I mean, this was like a, two to three, take minimum, maximum type thing. Like, there was a, there was a few times when we would have a few more like four or five it was, it was like.


Adam Rani 32:49

like, technical errors. Yeah.


Christine Chen 32:50

But like, but, I mean, it was a one, one or two takes, it's good. It's we move on type thing. And I know that's very difficult for actors if they feel like they didn't, you know and unfortunately, because of the pace that we had to move at, like it wasn't able to, you know, give a lot of validation for each take or like, you know, you know, i My hope was the hey, we got, let’s move on, but the fact that we got it, like that's should be felt it should be validation that he only took two tapes to get it, you know, but I know that was hard on talent in general to move at that pace. Not have me be like, let's but that's what we had rehearsals, you know, i we i did very much shoot this like, like a play somebody mentioned. So it was like a play, we get a lot of rehearsals up front and worked out all the emotional beats and problems and questions and stuff so that on the day, we could just keep running it over and over and over and over again. And we already knew what we wanted. So that's the trick to be able to shoot so fast.


Adam Rani 34:10

Meaning you're you have the movie mapped out in your head.


Christine Chen 34:14



Adam Rani 34:14

Yeah. Yeah, no, yeah, that makes sense. Yeah. No, I'm happy for you. It seems like you got a pretty good control on your well of course, you have a control on your movie, but you have the power of options and shit to choose from. That's I don't know, man. That's pretty fucking exciting. That's, you know, I never I never gotten that chance to do that. And it seems like it seems like that's like a daunting fucking uphill battle to climb because you probably there's probably so many things you shot that are just phenomenal. And you want to keep them all, but you don't want to have like two of the same fucking shots.


Christine Chen 35:00

Yeah, no we were we were very minimal with our like what we shot we abused like everything that there was no there's nothing that we shot that was like oh we didn't need that like everything that we've shot we needed it and it's just because it was so carefully planned out in terms of like what we needed and stuff you know. Hi striker.


Adam Rani 35:26

The big boss himself.


Christine Chen 35:27

The real boss is here, striker aka jazz Daddy was our first AD on Erzulie. Yes. And I might have traumatized and just a little bit like a traumatize everybody else on set.


Adam Rani 35:47

Yeah. But that's a moth to flame essential is to be traumatized via Christina.


Christine Chen 35:55

Okay, so I like to say that I'm pushing people to do more than they thought that they could do. So that's how I like to phrase it. Because the thing is that I think the thing is this. There's never enough time and there's never a big enough budget ever, ever. You know, somebody reminded me that, hey, next time we have $4 million, we're probably going to be trying to make a $12 million movie with $4 million. You know, it's we're always just trying to push what we can by fire you. Yeah. Yeah. And I think that's what we've, it's because we aren't entitled, and we know, like, how hard is to earn that kind of budget. And so, we're going to try to squeeze what we can you know, from it. So, all this


Adam Rani 37:00

Why, Matt, stick around. You know, it's good for you.


Christine Chen 37:05

Okay, now we can talk shit.


Adam Rani 37:07

All right. Bye Matt.


Christine Chen 37:10

Oh, Matt. Oh, God,


Adam Rani 37:11

This fucking guy, this fool. So, there was a question Kelly made that was that was uh, that was interesting. I'm trying to wrap my head around. What was your favorite day? During the shoot?


Christine Chen 37:25

My favorite day for the shoot?


Adam Rani 37:29

Oh, talk about it without spoiling.


Christine Chen 37:32

No That's a good question. Um, I?


Adam Rani 37:36

That is a good question.


Christine Chen 37:37

I don't know am I honestly the finale was even though super intense. I had a great day on the on during the finale. Yeah, I think the I can tell you which day it wasn't. I mean, the first week was hard. First week for me was like, Dear God, like how are we going to make it you know? Um, but I think finale like I felt like we all I think, I don't know. I thought we did some amazing things with it. I never imagined we could do it looked so good on camera. And I don't know it wasn't a fun day for the actor. So that was really stressful. Because the water was so cold. What was your let me think about that. What was your favorite day?


Adam Rani 38:32

I guess mine is not my favorite day. But there's this one particular vehicle called the Green Machine. That that is so fucking dope. Kelly loves it. And she first introduced me to the Green Machine, and I saw I'm like, this fucking car is a piece of shit. And then I drove it for like, maybe seven seconds. And I was like, I take that back. I need this car my life. I need to keep this car I need.


Christine Chen 39:06

 I never got to drive that thing.


Adam Rani 39:07

It's so fun. Yeah, fun. It's


Christine Chen 39:11

It's like loud as F.


Adam Rani 39:14

It is loud as fuck. But you smell the exhaust coming into the car like in the interior cabin of the car. And you and you're just huffing this and he just driving.


Christine Chen 39:25

Getting higher and higher.


Adam Rani 39:26

Yeah, just huffing exhaust pipe and driving down. It was the fucking best and I want that car so bad, and Kelly wants it too so whatever, it's fine. But also, it broke down like every five fucking minutes so that it also made me mad. So that was those were those days were great. Um, another you know, I what I did? The pool was cool.


Christine Chen 39:53

Cool. The pool for me was.


Adam Rani 39:57

That was hard.


Christine Chen 39:58

It was so hard.


Adam Rani 40:00

The result of it though.


Christine Chen 40:02

Oh, yeah, the results of it.


Adam Rani 40:03

Well, the results came out. Especially at night.


Christine Chen 40:08

Yeah, it looks great.


Adam Rani 40:10

The lights and all that with the flower light. Yeah.


Christine Chen 40:14

That was that was like the first day we had the mermaid. And like not knowing how that would work in. I mean, we knew to an extent but like, I've never I don't know. Yeah, there was a whole squad that delivered the mermaid. How many people were on?


Adam Rani 40:36

Like it was five or six people. I'm sure somebody in the chat would chime in on that. But yeah, it was like five or six people of the mermaid squad. Literally carrying this and the funniest part about it was there was also a stunt mermaid. She was also rad. Her name is an Amanda. Right? Yeah. Amanda.


Christine Chen 40:55

Amanda McFarland.


Adam Rani 40:56

Yeah, yes. Amanda McFarland shouts out to her she we were shooting the shit just talking and we saw the mermaid squad carry in Leila and, and Amanda said, I never seen so many people carry just one single mermaid. For me like there's maybe a person there just throwing over their back and then I just get dropped into the water. Just like that is incredible. And amazing.


Christine Chen 41:27

Yeah, it was a whole parade the mermaid squad.


Adam Rani 41:31

Because I mean, the whole the costume was no fucking joke. I mean, the whole the whole getup was no was no fucking joke. So, everything had to have the deadliest care. But fastest touch?


Christine Chen 41:47

Yes. Oh. Man yeah, that that is amazing. It looks amazing. On camera like it looks. It looks amazing. Roxy did a credible job with the with the prosthetics and the painting. Like it looks so cool. Riding at the back of the ATV with the tail. So funny.


Adam Rani 42:16

Riding In the back ATV with Leila. Her tail sticking out of the back. Carry was so damn funny. Yeah, so


Christine Chen 42:22

Our medic made it. I don't think they ever used it though. But it was made too late. But he after seeing the mermaid squad wanted to alleviate the mermaid squad pain and made a like mermaid stretcher. So, there's a stretcher with like a mermaid tail holder extender thing where she could blow on it. Too bad we didn't get to use it. But it was really sweet that he made that.


Adam Rani 42:47

It was very sweet and very, very intuitive with like, and um, I don't know if it's, well, it's not like we had, I am gonna choose my words carefully. It is not like we had a lot of resources in that place. So, the fact that Greg our set medic, by the way, just built this entire stretcher out of whatever the fuck he could come up with. is absolutely incredible.


Christine Chen 43:22

He's great. Greg isn't MacGyver man.


Adam Rani 43:25

He's like, yeah. So yeah, he's like a Louisiana Tony Stark. Like he's just he's just, he just knows, and he just puts this shit together. And now there's a there's a cart specifically made for mermaids.


Christine Chen 43:45

Yeah, now he was so amazing, he is credited for multiple things. But he came on as a set medic, but we had hired him because we knew that he was a jack of all trades. He is former EMT, water rescue and a bunch of other things. But like, what Greg does not like his enthusiasm and just like he will, like, just jump into anything. And so, we look at this like marshy, gross, swampy, alligator infested water and be like, Greg, Greg, come help us, please.


Adam Rani 44:19

And he just jumps right in.


Christine Chen 44:21

He just jumps right in. And we're just like, your God, like, oh, and he's just right in there and looking for snakes and making sure everybody's safe and when poking at things and cutting down, you know, poison ivy and whatever is in there and without a complaint and like just goes right in, like, right in. Thank God for Greg. Yeah, at any time any car breaks down, Greg. You know, someone's RV is broken, Greg. You know, basically anything It's just Greg. I'm sure if we needed a camera, he would produce one to like, you know.


Adam Rani 45:05

Anything technical or mechanical. Yeah, exactly. 100% Yeah.


Christine Chen 45:12

So now he's the coolest in. Every set needs a MacGyver. Every low budget indie film set needs MacGyver. Hmm, yes, he is. He was on MacGyver. Yeah, man, who was I have PTSD.


Adam Rani 45:36

Listen, I do too. I do too. There's a there's a lot to unpack here, ladies and gentlemen. I don't think we can unpack it all in one episode. And also, there's, there's, there's just so many things we do want to talk about. But you know.


Christine Chen 45:50

Yeah, next time we'll be a bit more structured this time was kind of like an emotional dump.


Adam Rani 45:55

Listen, do we have to have structure for this shit? No. I have structure is called let's just shoot this shit and talk film shit with real film people.


Christine Chen 46:06

Yeah, but there's it's important to have context. So that all of it.


Adam Rani 46:10

There is context in the context is that we shot specifically, Christine directed a feature. And we've talked about this feature for Jesus Christ. Christine, like a no, we talked about this episode or talked about the movie. For like, 10 episodes, I want to say but I know this.


Christine Chen 46:36

Was it December or something? Yeah, because I started raising money. Like I started. We started working on it in January. But I Camille, I found. I found it all email that I in November 2020. pitching to Camille. Yeah, short story that I wrote, well short script that I wrote for this film that I have written immediately after hanging out with Kelly in the pool during the summer. Just also brainstorming. And I wrote I wrote a five page. No, it was seven pages short script. And it's funny, I went back and read it. I was like, oh, it is this. Like, the premise is completely, like, I didn't change it was it. it had all those beats, it had the beat with the intro, our opening sequence, and then had the full curls. The only difference is they were at a camp in my script there. They went to a motel instead of a film camp, or instead of a camp


Adam Rani 47:40

Instead of a film camp. Yeah. Yeah, I know. Yeah.


Christine Chen 47:44

And but yeah, it's kind of crazy. Yeah. But it was right there. seven pages. And


Adam Rani 47:52

I thought you said last fall.


Christine Chen 47:55

So, there's an email dating in November 2020. So last fall of me emailing Camille and saying, hey, I have this short script I want to turn into a feature are you in, basically. And that was November 2020. That's that script, though. I wrote in the summer of 2020. Because I mean, I was I pitched it to the AFS, Austin Film Society always has a I haven't gotten a single time, but it has this grant, this mystical grant that I, you know, apply for every single year for the past six years. I've never gotten it. But originally, the title of Erzulie was Amphitrite. That's what I submitted the grant for. So, I had a look.


Christine Chen 48:42

It was what?


Christine Chen 48:42

It was called Amphitrite. So, Amphitrite is Triton’s wife. So that's what originally the were the script was titled was called Amphitrite. Because the mermaid at that point, we weren't sure. Like I when I wrote it. I didn't know like, where her origins were yet, at that point. So, but and then later on with, you know, developing in wanting to be Louisiana, the Voodoo aspect just magically fell into it.


Christine Chen 49:17

it made more sense. Yeah. So, and it was Camille that found earthly itself, which is actually a real legend. Real voodoo it so but it has nothing to do with mermaids. It just was a separate goddess than Erzulie. But yeah, no, it's just crazy that. No, it was only November that I pitched that script to her and then then we were done with the script at the end of December. Because we went, we went like balls to the wall.


Adam Rani 49:17

And it made more sense.


Adam Rani 49:47

So, a month later, you got a script. Wow. That's yeah, I remember you. Yeah, it was back in. You're right. It was back in December. It was like the middle of December was like, you were Colorado, I think.


Christine Chen 50:01

It was. So, a lot of things are a lot of things were happening at once. So yeah, what happened was around that time was in November. The reason why I pitched it to make it into feature was because I got an approached to, I got a tidbit basically that if I ever had a script that was thriller oriented, that I would get distribution, and I was like, ding, ding, ding, I do have something. Let me resurrect Amphitrite from the dead. And so, I brought that script, paste it to Camille. She said, yes, I pitched the idea to the distribution company. They said, Fuck yes. And so, then we, we were like, all right. They're already at that point, say, hey, we would want this thing to be completed in May basically, like shot finished, like, because they want to be able to sell it. Like it's a summer really. It's a summer blockbuster, you know, type thing. So, I was like, oh, dear God, we can totally do it. And so yeah, so we have so while because I remember I was on a, I was editing a feature in Virginia.


Adam Rani 51:12

Yes, that's right. Yeah.


Christine Chen 51:14

And Camille and I were kind of virtually working in writing it. And then when I took my much-needed vacation, in Hawaii, I was still writing.


Adam Rani 51:27

And you made a documentary? No big deal. It's fine.


Christine Chen 51:32

And, and then we then January just started prepping. Yeah. Prepping. Looking for talent, and everything we were we thought all our talent by February because I remember it was, I use Snovid, that week, because we were I was on another feature that point, still muddy soul, actually. And there was a whole week where production was canceled because of Snovid. And so, I use that week to cast and tested everybody that week, basically. And so, I think that was February right. When yes, apocalypse happened. Yeah. So yeah, February, and then we're like, all right. If we want to get this thing done in Miley close, May, like, I need to get the shot in April, basically. And so, yeah. But then luckily, we're able to push the deadline to march, July, or August. So, but yeah, we've been, we've been on getting on track, but it's been nuts. But we did it. We have a film in the can. And it's almost pretty much all edited. I'm almost done with the full pass. And then then I'm gonna have some work in progress screenings to get some notes and stuff. And then we have we do have one day of pickups. There will be one day pickups probably in Austin, Texas. We'll see. And, and then, then I'll go into the VFX and coloring. You're so right. I just want to get through this like first round because I know I gotta jump off back on the fundraising bandwagon. My favorite thing to do I say this list, so much. Bitterness.


Adam Rani 53:24

Yeah, you sound excited.


Christine Chen 53:26

So excited. You know, that's my favorite process of filmmaking.


Adam Rani 53:31

Yeah. Yeah. It's, I mean, listen, no one. No one probably enjoys that either.


Christine Chen 53:38

I wonder like, I can't see how anybody would enjoy raising money. Like it sucks.


Adam Rani 53:45

Yeah, yeah. Unless it's like a fun. I don't know. Yeah, yeah. No, you're right. It doesn't just when.


Christine Chen 53:52

It's terrible.  Yeah, I hate it


Adam Rani 53:54

When you are in the project. Yeah. Just your kind of Yeah, it is weird.


Christine Chen 53:58

I feel like the meme the Bernie Sanders mean; I'm once again asking you for money for my film. Like, like, I just, I'm a broken record all the time. I'm just glad I'm done with the crowdfunding aspect and everything. But like, yeah, I gotta do another I gotta do the second round of fundraising, which is for post-production. So, because we just raised enough money to go to get us barely through production. When I say barely. I mean, like barely.


Adam Rani 54:31

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yes. But you still made it through?


Christine Chen 54:37



Adam Rani 54:38

Somehow, someway. We still made it through. It's kind of crazy seeing it now on the other side or being on the other side of early in the aftermath. And, you know, of course, for a month, we didn't record.


Christine Chen 54:55

So, traumatized.


Adam Rani 54:56

We were traumatized, but, but you know, also It was much needed. And I and I, it definitely gave me because I did feel some sort of bitterness that I didn't really like, you know, but also like it was, it was due to the lack of sleep. And I was just so goddamn tired that I was just like, I'm ready to go home. Like I just I need to I need to get back, you know, because my bed is calling my name in the like, and that goes to anywhere I go. I don't know if it's, if it's the same thing for you. But like, I do not get more than five hours of sleep when I'm anywhere else that isn't my bed. Ah, always.


Christine Chen 55:37

I not I don't have that problem. I am always on the move.


Adam Rani 55:43

You can put on a marshmallow bed. His bed ever. But it's not my bed. You know? I mean, like it's, yeah, so it's weird. But anyways, I still had so much fun and going back through like, I had a journal, just writing down each and every day what I did, and going back through and seeing all 11 days of just everything that I was doing was just so fucking rad. It was so goddamn cool. And I'm glad that I'm part of this too. And I'm sure I can speak on behalf of a lot of these people. Especially the crew who worked on in the cast who worked on early super fucking thankful because this is truly a kind of a dream come true. In a way because I never thought I would be working on a shoot like this. Like if you told me like, even before I moved to Austin saying like, hey, dude, you're gonna work with your mentor on a mermaid murder film and like, yeah.


Christine Chen 56:47

A mermaid murder film.


Adam Rani 56:50

Yes, a mermaid murder film. Yeah, you know what, get the fuck out of here. I don't want to hear that shit. Don't lie to me. And sure enough, holy shit. The journey to get us here though, was long. Yes, uphill. But, you know, we still are here. And I would never have traded it for anything in the fact that I got to be with the coolest fucking people on the crew. But the fuck? How lucky am I? So, I do feel I do feel grateful in that sense. But I think I, um, I know I'm gonna turn 27 But I feel 63.


Christine Chen 57:34

Yeah, I agree. I mean, I aged significantly through in this.


Adam Rani 57:43

Yeah, Christine hit her midlife crisis in the sense. She's not even 50


Christine Chen 57:48

Goodness. Yeah, no, that was I mean, it was it was hard. But like, yeah, no, it's, I feel extremely appreciative and grateful everybody who made this, Miley possible. This is not something that is like what we were able to accomplish. It's not like, people were shot that the 11 days and everything. And when they watch it, there'll be even more shot. And what I can say is like, this is an extraordinary crew. And that's the reason why it could be done. It can't. I mean, it can't be done almost since I've been on sets or a whole month long, you know, just five weeks of shooting and can't accomplish the number of setups we have per day we've done at the quality that we're doing it at. So, it's that and then we had a big reason why this was also possible was just the number of people who are part of our collective networks that came and helped out in other ways, like sending care packages from wherever there, they're at, like.


Adam Rani 59:00

Oh, that was wonderful.


Christine Chen 59:01

Oh my gosh, like that was that was great. I would that would though I didn't have a favorite day, I had favorite parts of the day. And one of my favorite parts was always seeing the number of packages and opening them and like I would just cry and be reminded how lucky I am to have people who support me that way. Um, that would be that's definitely one of my favorite parts of the day was doing the stupid Facebook Live Instagram, boxing unboxing you know, but it meant a lot to me to be able to do that every day. And it honestly that would keep me going sometimes like, hey, like, even though I feel like everybody hates me right now and I'm stressed out on my mind. Clearly there's people who, like support and women who believe in us, you know, and like seeing that physically. And tangibly, you know, it was, yeah, one of my favorite parts of the days of every day. But yeah, like, there's one, the first week of stressing out so much, because like, you have such limited resources, and it was hot, we were all outdoors. And like, we were, like, going through our snacks and in drinks like, crazy, like fast, and I couldn't understand how, and I was, like, freaking out because like, we just don't have the budget to like, you know, to just spend freely. And then that end of the week, we got a whole new shipment of stuff from people like drinks and coffees and just trail mix and all sorts of stuff. And I was and it just made me feel like, alright, like, we're gonna make it like, we're, it's not, it's not just sometimes it would feel like it was just me pulling everybody to the finish line. But then it was those days when I opened those boxes or, like a donation came through the crowdfunding campaign or something. I felt like it was everybody pulling us to the finish line. And that's.


Adam Rani 1:01:29

Oh, yeah. And it helped every little bit helped. I don't know if anybody's listening to this right now. But God damn, we're thankful we were absolutely fucking thankful.


Christine Chen 1:01:39

It makes me, I'm starting to get emotional again.


Adam Rani 1:01:42

Don't because then I'm gonna get emotional. But, yeah, go ahead.


Christine Chen 1:01:46

It made a huge difference. And it was so it was much needed.


Adam Rani 1:01:49

The biggest difference. Yeah.


Christine Chen 1:01:50

This is how much needed it was. Yeah, at the end of the shoot, we had like barely anything leftover. Like, we had like a few snack bars. And we did have like, some bubbly waters and stuff like that. But for the most part, like everything was consumed. Everything had been taken. Everybody had been like, perfectly there were a few cereal bars and whatever. And like a bag of goldfish but like that's how, like perfectly how much we needed all of that. Like everything was because was gone. And that's that was perfect. You know, that's how I didn't want to go home with a bunch of stuff. Like, so. Like, we had just enough to get us through. And yeah, it was great.


Adam Rani 1:02:35

Yeah. No, that was the best


Christine Chen 1:02:38

That I think that's that was my favorite. There was never a favorite day. It was favorite moments of the day. Yeah, that will be one of my favorite unboxing things. Lunch was a good moment to for me just to see everybody kind of sitting in the barn and all chatting and eating and is that that was a very those times were very nice. I loved when I first walked into the sets, and they were set dressed for the first time. So that was a beautiful moment to be like wow, like everything's coming to life. Like this cabin looks completely different. It was visitors that were looked completely different. Like that's that was in that those magical times be able to sit in after a very long stressful day and look at the assembly cut was called the and being like, oh my god, we do know what we're doing was also a very favorite part of my days. So yeah, I little moments that I will always remember to cherish. And how does this compare to fun employment because that was my first feature. And this is technically my second one. Fun employment there were no expectations. That was the thing. This was different because there's a lot of, I felt a lot of pressure on this that I didn't feel in fun employment, fun employment. I never expected it to be anything. I wasn't using anybody's money, anybody's resources, but crowdfunding.


Adam Rani 1:04:27

Well, you had the intention of making a feature.


Christine Chen 1:04:29

Sure. Yeah, I hadn't the intention of making feature. My intention was to do the best I could with that feature. But like, I had no expectations of it like going like making money or whatever. That was the best-case scenario type thing. Yeah. This one I just felt like there was a lot of expectations because like we have there are no excuses on this one. Like I've had the training. I know how a feature made I've made many helped people make their features. You know, I've, in so many of us have been on so many other projects. So, we had had the experience. So, I was I think it was talking to Karly or whatever. And I was like, I just feel so much pressure because in this case, like, if it's a shit show, it's our own fault. You know, like, there's no, nobody to blame it on. Like, it is literally our fault if it becomes if it is anywhere mildly, a shit show, but it wasn't. That was the beauty of it. It wasn't it was just very difficult shoot because of how much this was an easily $700,000 movie made with 450,000.


Adam Rani 1:05:56

Yeah, yeah. So, take that with what you will. Yeah. We had to adapt. We had adapted. Yeah. And we did. And we did we did. You know? Yeah. And I think it was neat seeing you.


Christine Chen 1:06:21

Not AD.


Adam Rani 1:06:22

No. Well, y'all know, like, it was because I'm trying to not try to say without sounding corny, but there's no other way of saying it. But it was kind of the first time that I saw you. Like, excited and happy. You know, I mean, like you showed up like every single day, like even though you were exhausted and tired. You were still you're still excited. You were still happy. The fact that we like any set, you I mean, even walking into the pool, like I remember seeing your reaction. You're like, it was the end of the day, but like seeing everything kind of come to life and shit like that. Things started working out. Of course, there was chaos and stress ensued. But there was every few moments where I saw you smile and saw you happy. And I'm like, thank God.


Christine Chen 1:07:15

Yeah, I was stressed. I was, but it was I mean, like, it's especially right now I'm post I'm just like, wow, yeah. Like we made this. Like this was a seed of an idea. In November, it was a seven-page short film script in November, and in the summer, it was a seed of an idea. And now we have literally burst a film. Yeah. Out of the canal. And it was not it was a difficult birth. But it's out.


Adam Rani 1:07:51

It was it was tedious. nonetheless. Yeah. But, you know, we did it with amazing people. You did amazing people. And the fact that I was able to tag along with this, of course, yeah, there was there's a few things like I wish we did do the podcast, that would have been great. But at the same time, also to the internet connection was absolutely spotty. So, it would have been a difficult podcast Nonetheless, if we did do a podcast, but neither here nor there. I think, um, I think it was still a fantastic experience. It was it was amazing. And yeah, I mean, do you have I mean, we're, I think now over an hour doing this. Do you have any closing thoughts you want to make before we say see you for a little bit?


Christine Chen 1:08:43

No, I feel like this will be one of many downloading of the experience because it was an epic variance. But I think I mean, the biggest thing was just like, I'm so thankful I have everybody who've made this possible. From you know, like, Peyton joining in and helped me you know, with friends. Yes. And then all the all the crew members, you know, from every single person, you know, being there and, and then all the people sending us care packages and like, it takes a village and it does, and that village delivered and like that, like I am so thankful to have to even have that experience and it's because of everyone.


Adam Rani 1:09:37

Fucking A. Well, I think that just about does its Christine. What do you say? We're done.


Christine Chen 1:09:44

That's it for now.


Adam Rani 1:09:45

Ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much. I'm I mean, we do this regularly. Still. We're gonna do our absolute best. This is this is a podcast where we just like to sit in, have fun and shoot the shit and talk about movies and talk about the shit we are making. So that's kind of like the matriarch of this entire operation and also celebrating the work of Christine Chen, let's be honest, the talent of the podcast. And um, yeah, we're just glad that you guys are here tuned in listening to us banter and talk and, and everything and thank you again for you know, just sticking around because this this podcast is definitely meaning a lot to me. I'm sure. I'm sure it means a lot to a few of you people, but it means the world to me. So again, I say thank you to the fans. I say thank you to Christine. And Christine. Um, I'm gonna go take a shower now.


Christine Chen 1:10:50

Okay. And remember, keep following us. You're gonna hear more about the film. We have a website E R Z U L I E And then it is the get Reelisms podcast. So, get your get Reelisms book


Adam Rani 1:11:07

Get the Get Reelism book, ladies and gentlemen.


Christine Chen 1:11:10

And we have stickers now we have stickers. Yeah, we've got stickers too. Yes, yes. Yes. Yes. And also, Oh, yes. And also, Adam has his own podcast as well. What is it called?


Adam Rani 1:11:27

It's gonna, it's a working title. Well, we might, I don't know. I think I'm gonna I'm gonna keep the titles called Chasing Adam podcast, it is going to be a solo podcast, you know, named after Adam Chase Rani. And I'm a Kevin Smith fan, go figure. But it's going to be a solo podcast. And basically, it's going to be no different than shit that we're doing here. I'm probably going to go on Instagram Live, I'm probably going to stream on Facebook and stuff like that we're going to have just basically a talk about anything related to film, culture, whatever it is, we're just shooting the shit. And also, it's going to be a little fun journey of me going through existential crisis of writing my first script, and hopefully getting it fucking made before I die. So, I'm, we're, that's going to be my that's going to be my podcast. So hopefully, if you guys would love to see a grown man crumble. Listen to my podcast. I'm kidding. No, it's a great podcast. I'm excited. I'm going to be starting it real soon. It's going to come out later this month in June, I already shot the first episode. So, these are gonna be like prerecorded episodes, and I'm still trying to get a feel of what topics I should be bringing and how we're going to be doing it live and I want to do it live so we can get fans like coming in from far and wide and, you know, participate in this show. So yeah, and we're gonna have guests too. I'm gonna have a guest it's not just going to be a solo I'm going to hopefully Christine would be on if she's not too big enough to be on my podcast. And of course, Kelly’s friend of the podcast, Roxy everybody so many goddamn people who are more talented than I am. I'm going to have them on the show in Teach me and hopefully you some shit. So, without further ado, chasing out a podcast catch it later in the summer. June, late June. You ladies and gentlemen, that's been the get Reelisms podcast episode 49, episodes next time, ladies and gentlemen. We're gonna be there. And you better believe we're gonna be ready.


Christine Chen 1:13:46

Yes, we'll be a lot more ready. I had to relearn how to do a podcast. We took such a long break.


Adam Rani 1:13:53

Yeah, I guess I did too. But also, I kind of knew we were just sort of like, you know, not having a straightforward structure. And for the people who are all sorts of fucking confused and bewildered I'm sure you'll let us know in the comment section.


Christine Chen 1:14:14

What are you guys talking about?


Adam Rani 1:14:14

Yeah, I'm so confused. I unsubscribe. Whatever. It's you know, we're making movies ladies and gentlemen. That's what we do in the movie business. If you can't keep up, get out. I'm kidding. We love you guys. Please tune in next time. And as always, Christine, And yeah, get your books. Get your stickers. Get those orders in. for all Erzulie. Thanks, guys. We appreciate you.

Christine Chen